functional medicine treatments for fibromyalgia

Understanding Fibromyalgia a Functional Medicine Approach to Treatment

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder and the condition is oftentimes accompanied by sleep disorders, fatigue, and muscle pain. While there are a few different treatments for the condition, Evexia Family Chiropractic is here to dive into understanding fibromyalgia and the functional medicine approach to treating fibromyalgia

Understanding Fibromyalgia

While fibromyalgia has been compared to arthritis, the disorder actually differs in many ways. Studies show that the disorder is caused by an issue in the brain, specifically the nerves and pain signals. Those with fibromyalgia are often more sensitive to pain, temperature, and noise. When compared to arthritis, fibromyalgia does not cause your muscles to swell and does not cause damage to your joints. The chronic disorder affects millions of adults and is more common in women than in men. 

Before we dive into treatment for fibromyalgia, let’s look at the causes of the chronic disorder. Experts believe that fibromyalgia is caused by repeated nerve stimulation, genetics, infections, and traumatic physical or emotional events. 

Signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia include:physical therapy for fibromyalgia

  • Muscle pain and stiffness
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Sleep disorders
  • Issues with memory, thinking, and concentration
  • Migraines
  • Fatigue

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, keep reading for a variety of treatments and consult a medical professional for more information on the chronic illness. 

Alternative Treatments for Fibromyalgia

Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

The first alternative option for treating fibromyalgia is taking anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen and aspirin. Ibuprofen and aspirin can reduce inflammation throughout your body, but the anti-inflammatory drugs are not a cure-all treatment. Combine ibuprofen and aspirin with a healthy diet and consistent exercise. 

Note: Anti-inflammatory drugs are not for everyone, and many people suffer from side effects including sleeping disorders, vomiting, bloating, headaches, and swelling. 

A Functional Medicine Approach to Fibromyalgia Treatment

Nutritional Supplements

The second option for treating fibromyalgia is taking nutritional supplements. Nutritional supplements for fibromyalgia pain include Glucosamine and Chondroitin. Now, you may be asking what is glucosamine and chondroitin? 

Glucosamine is a natural chemical that can be found in cartilage cells and in the fluid that encircles the joints. Your body utilizes glucosamine to make other chemicals that help form tendons, cartilage, and ligaments surrounding your joints. Chondroitin is an amino acid that lubricates the joints, engages and absorbs water, lubricating the joints. The combination of chondroitin and glucosamine aids in joint and muscle pain and discomfort. 

It is important to note that supplements work for short-term pain alleviation, but do not prevent the pain and discomfort from returning. 

Physical Therapyfunctional medicine treatments for fibromyalgia

Physical therapy is a popular fibromyalgia treatment. Physical therapists can show you exercises and stretch to improve your joint mobility and relieve muscle and joint pain. Physical therapy also helps you strengthen muscles and target specific spots where you are experiencing harsh symptoms. 

This alternative treatment is not a cure for fibromyalgia, but physical therapy is known to alleviate fatigue and muscle pain that come from the chronic disorder. 

Strength Training

Consider strength training as a fibromyalgia treatment. Strength training is not only beneficial if you are trying to get stronger and more fit but strengthening the muscles that are in pain and discomfort can help relieve the pain. Furthermore, strengthening your core and back can help strengthen the muscles that are weak throughout the entire rest of your body. 

Exercises that are known for strengthening muscles are yoga, swimming, pilates, and walking. These exercises can not only help with the muscle pain but can strengthen your range of mobility as well. 

Understanding Fibromyalgia and Dietfibromyalgia treatments

Lastly for treating fibromyalgia naturally is diet. The food your intake plays such an important role in the health and well-being of your body, so it is no wonder your diet can affect fibromyalgia symptoms. A diet that is low in sugars and fats can ease the chronic pain caused by fibromyalgia. Evexia Family Chiropractic also recommends limiting your intake of foods that are high in purine including all types of alcoholic beverages, fish, and some meats. 

Final Thoughts on Fibromyalgia and Treatments

When considering what fibromyalgia treatments are best for you, remember the above options for natural ways to relieve the pain and discomfort. While prescription medications can provide some relief, the medications alone are not able to cure the chronic illness. Taking a functional medicine approach to treatment can boost your health and well-being while also alleviating the many different symptoms that come with fibromyalgia. 

Physical therapy, strength training, a healthy diet, and nutritional supplements can boost your mood, combat fatigue, and take away the pain and discomfort in your muscles and joints. Do not let fibromyalgia take over your life. Understanding fibromyalgia is the first step to treatment. Talking with medical professionals and experts in functional medicine can allow you to live a normal, healthy life. Learn more and schedule an appointment with Evexia Family Chiropractic today!