calming music before sleep

Natural Remedies for Insomnia to Help Boost Your Health

Do you have trouble sleeping?  Do you lay in bed for hours unable to fall asleep?  If you answered yes to either of these questions you probably have insomnia.  Insomnia can be caused by many things – from what you eat and drink to health issues such as migraines.  Because sleep is an essential part of good health you must get the sleep your body needs. The following article discusses tips and natural remedies for insomnia.  Read on to find out more information.  

Natural Sleeping Remedies

Take a Warm Bath

To start our list of natural remedies for insomnia is taking a warm bath. If you have trouble sleeping or falling asleep, despite being extremely tired, try taking a soothing bath. Warm water combined with essential oils such as lavender can help treat insomnia.  Soaking in the tub for a minimum of 15 minutes can help to ease tension in your muscles and help you to fall asleep.  Be sure to avoid water that is too hot.

Drift to Sleep With Calming Musiccalming music before sleep

Most everyone loves music and for good reason.  Music can help lift your spirit, help you focus, and help you fall asleep.  If insomnia is an issue for you, try listening to soft rhythmic music at bedtime.  Music can help your mind relax, allowing you to fall asleep more quickly.  If you do not like soft music, consider listening to soothing sounds such as waves or rain. 

Avoid Napping

Oftentimes, insomnia causes can include napping too close to bedtime. I love a good nap on a cold dreary day but napping too close to bedtime can increase your issues with insomnia.  If insomnia kept you awake the night before, taking a nap will increase your chances of not getting any sleep that night.  We suggest staying active throughout the day and pushing through until bedtime.

Just Breathe

As simple as it sounds, our list of home remedies for deep sleep includes breathing. Deep breathing, while you are in bed, will help relax your body and prepare you to fall asleep.  Try taking long deep controlled breaths breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.  These breathing exercises will help to lower your heart rate, making it easier to fall asleep. 

Avoid Eating Too Close to Bedtime

Eating too close to bedtime can send signals to your brain of wakefulness.  Not to mention that eating prompts your body to release insulin which is associated with your circadian rhythm.  In general, having a light snack should not be a problem but never eat anything heavy before bed.  Some foods that help you sleep are cherries, chamomile tea, kiwi, warm milk, almonds, and walnuts to name a few.  

In food studies, honey is shown to have the effect of a mild sedative when consumed.  A teaspoon of honey in a cup of warm milk, or hot decaf tea, such as chamomile, can help you fall asleep. Make a routine by adding a hot cup of tea or milk to your nighttime routine and you may find that falling asleep is no longer an issue.

tea is a natural remedy for insomnia

So why do these foods and drinks help you sleep?  They contain compounds that aid in sleep:

  • Calcium
  • Carotenoids
  • Flavonoids
  • Folate
  • Magnesium
  • Melatonin
  • Potassium
  • Tryptophan
  • Vitamin D

Your Bedroom Should Be Your Rest Area

It’s really easy to make your bed a hub of activity from watching television, to working or reading.  Evexia Family Chiropractic recommends making your bed a place of rest.  If you are constantly watching your favorite shows, or working in bed, your body will not associate your bed as your place to relax and recharge.  Keeping these types of activities out of your bed will help you sleep better.  

Avoid Stimulants Before Bedtime

Instead of adding something to your sleep routine, try taking some insomnia causes out. Avoid any type of stimulants before bedtime. This includes caffeinated drinks such as coffee and soda. It is a good idea to limit the amount of caffeine you drink and be sure to stop drinking caffeinated beverages early in the day.  Caffeine can last in your body for up to 12 hours. 

Another stimulant to consider eliminating close to bedtime, or completely, is nicotine. Smoking may be causing you to have sleepless nights. Using any type of stimulant close to bedtime is not a good idea if you want to get a good night’s rest and eliminate the tossing and turning of insomnia. 

natural remedies for sleep to help insomnia

The Temperature of Your Bedroom Affects Your Sleep

If you’re looking for home remedies to fall asleep quickly, consider changing the temperature of your bedroom. The temperature of your bedroom can impact the quality of your sleep.  Studies show that an overly warm room can interrupt your sleep.  Try setting the temperature at 68% with a fan turned on to help with air circulation.  This will allow you to breathe better and promote a longer sleep. 

Exercise Before Bed – Natural Sleeping Remedies

Exercise is a great way to help your body sleep and one of our favorite natural remedies for insomnia. After exercise, your body requires recovery time and sleep helps to promote recovery.  Try taking a walk before going to bed.  Not only will you get essential exercise, but you will have time to wind down from the day’s events.  Take this time to focus on clearing your mind to prepare for a good night’s rest.

Another great way to help relieve tension to help you sleep is sex.  Sex helps to relieve tension in your body and helps you to relax which in turn helps you sleep.  If you are suffering from insomnia, sex can be a great remedy. 

See Your Doctor

If you have tried all of the above tips and are still experiencing issues with insomnia, it may be time to see a functional medicine provider like Evexia Family Chiropractic. A functional medicine provider focuses on holistic medicine. There are many reasons that you may be experiencing insomnia and a functional medicine provider can help you work through the issue to promote better sleep and a healthier you.  

We hope the above natural remedies for insomnia help you get the sleep your body needs to function the next day. There is no better feeling than waking up feeling refreshed and ready to go. If you are missing that feeling in your life, it’s time to make a change. Adopt one of the above practices or schedule an appointment with Evexia Family Chiropractic today!