Online Visits at Evexia Family Chiropractic

online visitAt Evexia Family Chiropractic our patient’s health is our number one priority.  A telehealth visit is an appointment that is done online using video conferencing.  This allows our patients to have a live face to face online visit with Dr. Deborah Perkins.

Dr. Deborah Perkins will be providing telehealth visits through the Zoom application, which is completely secure and HIPAA compliant.  While many insurance companies cover telehealth visits, be sure to contact Dr. Deborah Perkins to discuss whether these services are covered by your insurance carrier.  If your insurance carrier does not cover telehealth visits, Dr. Perkins can provide you a self-pay rate for your visit.


It is important to note that Evexia Family Chiropractic can offer telehealth visits to our current patients.  We are working towards offering telehealth visits to new patients in the future.

To start your telehealth appointment,  click the Image below and enter your Meeting ID provided to you for your appointment.

evexia online appointment

Online Visit FAQ


What does an online visit consist of and how does it work?

Please contact Evexia Family Chiropractic at 816-875-4399 to schedule your telehealth visit. You can also email us at to set up an appointment as well.

After your telehealth appointment is scheduled,  you will receive an email including your appointment date and time.  The email will also include a link to log into Zoom for your telehealth appointment.  It’s best to set up in an area of your home that has a good connection to the internet and is quiet.  Because of the nature of an online visit, it is necessary to use a phone, tablet, home computer, or laptop that has a camera.  This allows us the ability to see you face to face.  Please note that if you are using your phone or tablet it will be necessary for you to download the Zoom App and sign up for a free account.

Please be sure to log into your appointment no more than 5 to 10 minutes prior to your online visit. It is very important that we are able to be prompt for your visit and be able to accommodate other telehealth patients.

Your co-payment for your telehealth visit is due prior to your appointment or at the end of the telehealth appointment.

Is an online visit secure?

telehealth online doctor appointmentEvexia Family Chiropractic uses Zoom for all telehealth visits. Zoom is completely secure and is HIPAA compliant.

During your online visit, we will record all information during your visit as if you were are in person in our office.

What type of treatments can be provided during an online visit?

At Evexia Family Chiropractic we will provide the following services via telehealth:

  • Diet and Nutrition
  • Stress Management
  • Range of Motion evaluations
  • Movement evaluations
  • Workstation assessments
  • Posture assessments

If additional services are needed to provide the best outcome, it may be necessary to schedule an in office visit.