how to treat scoliosis

Scoliosis Treatments Through Chiropractic Care

Scoliosis is a condition that is characterized by an abnormal curvature of the spine. Normally, the spine is curved at the top of the shoulder and at the lower back region. However, a person with scoliosis has a spine that’s curved from side-to-side or in a “C” or “S” shape. The American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) says that over 80% of scoliosis cases don’t have an identifiable cause. The condition will usually be diagnosed during the first 7 years of a child’s life. Some of the most common causes of scoliosis are neurological abnormalities, birth defects, and genetic conditions. The following article provides information on the condition along with scoliosis treatments

An Overview of Scoliosis

what is scoliosis

what is scoliosis

Before we dive into treating scoliosis, first let’s look at not only all the different types of the condition but the symptoms and causes as well. 

Types Of Scoliosis

Idiopathic scoliosis is the most common type of condition. In fact, idiopathic scoliosis is where there is no definite cause for the condition. Idiopathic scoliosis is further broken down by age groups such as infant scoliosis (between 0-3 years), juvenile scoliosis (between 4 to 10 years), adolescent scoliosis (between 11 to 18 years), and adult scoliosis (above 18 years of age). Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is the most common age of this specific type of condition. 


Neurological and congenital scoliosis are the other types of the condition. Congenital scoliosis is when spinal deformities are apparent at birth while neurological scoliosis is when the condition occurs due to nerve abnormalities that affect muscles in the spine. As a matter of fact, scoliosis is further categorized as structural and nonstructural scoliosis. Structural scoliosis occurs when the curve of the spine is caused by disease, birth defect, or injury. This condition is permanent while nonstructural scoliosis is a temporary condition that could be fixed.

all about scoliosis

Symptoms Of Scoliosis

Scoliosis symptoms can vary depending on the degree of the condition. Some of the most common symptoms include: 

  • one shoulder blade is higher than the other
  • uneven hips
  • one shoulder blade sticking out more than the other
  • back pain
  • a rotating spine
  • breathing problems due to the reduced area in the chest for the lungs to expand

Scoliosis Causes

Most often, the cause of this condition cannot be determined. Every now and then, a doctor may examine the condition and identify the cause. Some of the scoliosis causes include:

  • Muscular dystrophy – A genetic disorder that results in muscle weakness
  • Cerebral palsy – A nervous system disorder that affects learning, movement, thinking, seeing, and hearing
  • Spinal injuries and infections
  • Birth defects that could affect the spinal bones of the infant such as spina bifida

How Is The Condition Diagnosed?

Your doctor will perform a physical examination of the spine to diagnose the condition. He or she may also conduct some imaging tests to take a closer look at your spine and diagnose the condition. The physical examination is performed while you stand straight with your arms at your sides. The doctor will observe your back while you are standing. Then, he or she will check the curvature of your spine and whether the shoulders and waist are symmetrical. Next, the healthcare provider will ask you to bend forward to check for any curvature in your upper and lower back regions. 

how to treat scoliosis

There are many imaging tests to diagnose scoliosis before treating scoliosis. Some of these imaging tests include:

  • MRI Scan – Radio and magnetic waves help get a detailed picture of the bones and tissues surrounding them in the spinal region.
  • CT Scan – X-rays will be taken at different angles to get a 3-D image of your body during this scan.
  • X-Ray – Small amounts of radiation will be used to get an image of your spine during this test.
  • Bone Scan – A radioactive solution is injected into the blood which concentrates in areas where there are spinal abnormalities.

How To Treat Scoliosis?

When you’re researching scoliosis treatment for adults and kids, consider chiropractic care. Most people don’t know the effectiveness of chiropractic care to treat conditions such as scoliosis. Many aspects of medicine have been around for thousands of years. For example, essential oils, acupuncture, and other forms of alternative medicines have been used effectively to treat a wide variety of conditions in the past. Since the actual cause of scoliosis is still unknown, it is important to use an integrated and highly personalized approach to treat the condition. Physical therapy and chiropractic care can do wonders for conditions such as scoliosis. 

Physical Therapy for Treating Scoliosis

Depending on the severity of your condition, your healthcare provider will determine the proper treatment method for scoliosis. Physical therapy methods like Schroth Method have become popular in the United States when treating conditions such as scoliosis. The Schroth Method is a structured regime that consists of specific exercises to treat the condition. These exercises are combined with lifestyle coaching and bracing to reverse spine curves in both adults and children. The method has helped many people in the country to avoid surgery.

Chiropractic Care for Treating Scoliosis

On the other hand, chiropractic care is another effective treatment method for scoliosis. Spinal manipulation, therapeutic exercises, and electric muscle stimulation are the most effective chiropractic scoliosis treatments. Many patients suffering from the condition have reported an improvement in their condition with chiropractic care. Even if the spinal curve cannot be completely corrected, chiropractic care can help deal with any associated pain or issues that have increased the discomfort of the patient. 

The first step is to meet with a qualified chiropractor like Dr. Deborah Perkins with Evexia Family Chiropractic. Dr. Deborah Perkins will determine your individual treatment needs as well as establish goals for your care. The doctor will collect a full medical history and conduct a physical examination to adjust the spine and neck regions. Dr. Perkins may request medical reports from your other treating physician such as imaging scans and x-rays. Once you have discussed the condition and goals with Evexia Family Chiropractic, they will develop an effective treatment plan for your condition.

Because the cause of the condition is still unknown, the diagnosis of scoliosis can be scary. We are here to help. Chiropractic care and physical therapy are some of the most effective scoliosis treatments. For a better understanding of chiropractic care, contact Evexia Family Chiropractic today!