symptoms of stress

The Different Types of Stress Explained

Stress affects anyone and everyone. Evexia Family Chiropractic is here to discuss what exactly stress is, the different types of stress, and so much more. Stress is quite prevalent. When questioned, 80 percent of Americans said they’d had at least one stress symptom in the last 30 days. Of those individuals, 20 percent said they were under extreme stress.

Because of the nature of life, it is impossible to avoid stress entirely. We can, however, learn to avoid it wherever feasible and handle it when it is inevitable. Did you know that stress is not always harmful, and sometimes stress can be positive? Keep reading for more information on the causes, the varieties, and the treatments for the common reaction – stress. 

What Exactly Is Stress?types of stress

Stress is any change that creates emotional, physical, or psychological distress. Stress is how your body reacts to things that place demands on your life and take your attention. When you are under stress, your brain releases chemicals and hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol into your body.

To some extent, everyone has stress. The way you respond to stress, on the other hand, has a significant impact on your general well-being. Sometimes, the best approach to deal with stress is to change your situation. Other times, altering your response to a circumstance is the best technique.

It is critical to get a clear awareness of how stress affects your physical and mental health. Understanding how your mental and physical health influences your stress level is also critical.

Are all types of stress harmful?

Stress is not always a terrible thing. It can be beneficial when it helps you avoid an accident, fulfill a tight deadline, or retain your cool during a difficult situation.

We all experience stress occasionally, but what one person finds unpleasant may not be the same as what another finds stressful. Public speaking is an example of this. Some people like the rush, while the mere prospect immobilizes others.

However, stress should only last a short time. When you’ve gotten over the fight-or-flight response, your heart rate and respiration should settle down, and your muscles should relax. As a result, your body should revert to its original state in a short period, with no long-term harmful effects.

Severe, chronic, or long-term stress, on the other hand, can be both emotionally and physically damaging. Before we head into the treatments for stress, let’s look at the different types of stress. 

Types of Stresswhat is stress

Not all forms of stress are harmful or even detrimental. Some of the various sorts of stress that you may encounter are as follows:

Acute Stress

Acute stress is a sort of short-term stress that can be either good or harmful; this is the type of stress we are most likely to meet in everyday life.

Episodic Acute Stress

Episodic acute stress is acute stress that appears to be rampant and a way of life, resulting in a life of continual anguish.

Chronic Stress

Chronic stress is defined as stress that appears to be unending and unavoidable, such as the stress of a terrible marriage or an exceedingly demanding profession; chronic stress can also result from traumatic events and childhood trauma.


Eustress is energetic and enjoyable. It is a form of good stress that may keep you motivated. It is related to adrenaline spikes, such as while skiing or rushing to fulfill a deadline.

Causes of Stress

There are several factors in life that might generate stress. Work, economics, relationships, children, and day-to-day hassles are significant drivers of stress.

The fight-or-flight reaction triggered by stress is the body’s response to a perceived threat or danger.

Certain hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, are produced during this response. Which increases heart rate, slows digestion, redirects blood flow to main muscle groups, and alters several other autonomic nerve activities, providing the body with a burst of energy and power.

The fight-or-flight response was called for its capacity to allow humans to physically fight or flee when faced with danger. Still, it is engaged in situations where neither reaction is appropriate, such as in traffic or during a stressful day at work.

When the apparent threat has passed, systems are programmed to resume regular operation via the relaxation reaction.

However, in circumstances of chronic stress, the relaxation reaction is infrequent, and being in a near-constant state of fight-or-flight can be harmful to the body.

Stress can also lead to certain bad habits that are harmful to your health. Many people, for example, react to stress by overeating or smoking. These destructive behaviors harm the body and lead to worse difficulties in the long run. 

Signs of Stress

Short-term and long-term stress are both possible. Both can cause a range of symptoms, but persistent stress can significantly affect the body and have long-term health consequences.

Below are some typical signs of stress:

  • Modifications in mood
  • symptoms of stressPalms that are clammy or sweaty
  • Reduced sex desire
  • Diarrhea
  • Sleeping problems
  • Digestive issues
  • Dizziness
  • Illnesses that occur frequently
  • Teeth grinding
  • Headache
  • Insufficient energy
  • Tension in the muscles, particularly in the neck and shoulders
  • Aches and pains in the body
  • Racing pulse
  • Trembling

Treatment for the Types of Stress

Stress is neither a unique medical diagnosis nor is there a single, effective therapy for it. Instead, treatment for stress focuses on altering the circumstances, learning coping skills, applying relaxing techniques, and treating symptoms or disorders induced by persistent stress.

Therapy, medication, and complementary and alternative medicine are some approaches that may be beneficial. 


Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) are two types of treatment that may be particularly beneficial in reducing stress symptoms. CBT focuses on assisting people in identifying and changing harmful thought patterns, whereas MBSR focuses on stress reduction via meditation and mindfulness.


treating different types of stress

Medication may be recommended in some cases to treat particular stress-related symptoms. Sleep aids, antacids, antidepressants, and anti-anxiety drugs are examples of such pharmaceuticals.

Alternative and complementary medicine

Acupuncture, aromatherapy, massage, yoga, and meditation are supplementary treatments that may be beneficial for stress reduction. Chiropractic care is another alternative way to treat stress and the muscle tension stress can cause to the body. Evexia Family Chiropractic not only provides chiropractic adjustment to relieve muscle tension, but we are the natural health care center that can discuss proper nutrition with you, restore function to the body, and provide relaxation tips as well. 

Coping with Stress

Although stress is unavoidable, it is also manageable. You can take care of your health and lessen the influence stress has on your life once you grasp the toll it takes on you and the methods to counteract it.

Recognize the symptoms of burnout. High amounts of stress might put you in danger of burnout. Burnout may leave you exhausted and dissatisfied with your career. When you begin to experience signs of emotional tiredness, it is a warning that you need to find a solution to manage your stress.

How to Manage Stresstai chi treatments for stress

Make an effort to exercise regularly. Physical activity has a significant influence on both the brain and the body. Exercise decreases stress and helps many symptoms related to mental illness, whether you prefer Tai Chi or wish to start jogging. 

Take proper care of yourself. Stress management requires that you incorporate regular self-care activities into your everyday life. Discover how to care for your mind, body, and soul and how to equip yourself to live your best life.

Incorporate awareness into your daily life. Mindfulness isn’t something you do for 10 minutes every day. It may also be seen as a way of life. Learn how to live more thoughtfully throughout the day to be more alert and conscious throughout your life.

Lastly on the Different Types of Stress

You have a choice in how you deal with stress. To “handle” stress, too many individuals turn to cigarettes, sweets, television, coffee, or alcohol. Instead, manage stress by living a healthy lifestyle that includes eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep, and enjoying your leisure time. Evexia Family Chiropractic is here to help you every step of the way! Schedule an appointment today with our Lee’s Summit chiropractic team.