Benefits of Chiropractic Care Evexia Family Chiropractic

Top 10 Benefits of Chiropractic Care

How many times have you heard someone say “the backbone of the company,” “the backbone of our organization,” or even “the backbone of my family?” There’s a reason for it. They want to indicate how important that person is, how valuable he/she is. As the saying suggests, the “backbone” (or as it applies to our bodies, the spinal cord) is the central command post for almost everything our bodies do and experience.

Introduction to the Benefits of Chiropractic Care

If your spine is healthy and well-supported, it can play an extremely important part of your overall good health. Your spine is critical and should be given top priority. Seeking the benefits chiropractic care plays a big role in keeping your spine working its best. Regular spinal adjustments from a chiropractor prevent pain and misalignment, and also allows for your maximum flexibility and body balance.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care Evexia Family Chiropractic

evexia family chiropractic benefits and care

Troubling ailments can be treated with chiropractic care, everything from migraine headaches to bursitis in your feet and everything in between. Furthermore, it can be done safely and very efficiently.  

Chiropractors have a great many skills and have been trained to give restorative health to their patients. But even if you have no pain issues, you can still derive great benefits from chiropractic care adjustments on a routine schedule. Evexia Family Chiropractic’s goal is to give you restored body function and prevention of injury.

Committing to the benefits of chiropractic care is a very proactive thing to do for your health. Many people lack even the most common knowledge and understanding of chiropractors and the care they provide. So we have come up with the top ten questions asked about chiropractic care and therapy.

Top 10 Questions About the Benefits of Chiropractic Care and Therapy

“My pain just started, but I can’t remember doing anything to cause it.” 

Pain is not necessarily the first symptom. First, you should know that when you experience pain, it probably isn’t the first symptom of your problem. In fact, the pain might be the last of many symptoms related to the problem. Your back may be unstable or it’s been restricted for some time – maybe years. The pain finally shows up and you suddenly realize you need professional help with alignment. On the flip side, the absence of pain isn’t always a sign of good health, either. If you take medications for pain, then you’re just masking the origins of another issue. Muscle, joint, and ligament discomfort often begins after long term dysfunction. An injury from long ago (maybe you can’t even remember it) is now paying a visit and it needs attention.

“Should I see a chiropractor if I play sports?” 

Many athletes receive chiropractic care for general fitness and not just for injury. Chiropractors are, essentially, movement specialists. They are an important part of any sports team and are even found at the Olympic Games. Some of the most famous and celebrated athletes (Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Serena Williams) all rely on the benefits of chiropractic care. Benefits of chiropractic care include keeping them in top condition, preventing future injuries, recovering from pain, improving balance, increasing coordination, and prolonging their careers.

Your nervous system is critical for obtaining good health and health maintenance. 

Benefits of Chiropractic Care Evexia Family Chiropractic

benefits of chiropractic care evexia family chiropractic

Chiropractic patients must understand that the body isn’t made up of separate mechanical features. Rather, they all work in concert and everything begins with the nervous system. Our nerves are located throughout the body, all originating at our spinal cord. If something isn’t moving correctly, a nerve is going to become hindered and you’re going to feel the pain. It’s biochemical, in nature. The hindrance is compromising the integrity of your nerves and how they are supposed to function. We all have to be sure our nervous system is in good working order, lest we will not have a healthy lifestyle. The benefits of chiropractic care lead to a healthy lifestyle. 

“Is it true that my body will eventually heal itself?” 

Correct. A chiropractor won’t ever be able to “heal” your body. But your body has the power to heal itself, and a chiropractor will stimulate the healing process. Chiropractic care restores motion, allowing our joints and muscles to self-correct and carry out the healing it was meant to provide. If you are hurting, there is an ailment that is interrupting the healing. A chiropractor’s goal is to find the spinal levels responsible for the interruption and help your body combat it. 

Can babies or the elderly receive benefits of chiropractic care

Sure. So many elders are unaware of the benefits of chiropractic care. However, the reality is that chiropractic care can help an elders pain, stiffness, balance and range of motion. Chiropractic care helps to improve coordination and reduce the degeneration of joints. Conversely, the very young can also benefit from chiropractic care. It can aid in correcting misalignment in babies that had difficulty during the birth process. Children can see chiropractors for help with nervous system development and help to battle asthma, colic, bedwetting, sleep disorders, and other behavioral disorders. 

Does a chiropractor know anything beyond the backbone? 

Yes, they know much more.

Many people have a common misconception that chiropractors only know the spine and have no knowledge beyond the spine. A good chiropractor, however, can offer advice regarding eating habits, fitness, nutrition, ergonomics, and much more. They screen for conditions in our musculoskeletal system and can refer you to the proper specialists.

Is there anything I can do to help my chiropractor? 

Absolutely. There are countless people who claim that chiropractic care didn’t help them. But let’s be honest, the chiropractor won’t be able to just wave a magic wand and solve your issues? We have to act like a responsible patient and be an advocate for our own health. Especially with chiropractic, we should learn to be a good patient, and understand that healing takes time. The pain didn’t happen overnight, and it’s not going to vanish overnight. No magic pills or shots. Most likely the doctor will prescribe some exercises after the adjustment. Do them. If the doctor also wants to discuss your diet and make some changes, listen. Chiropractic is a collective arrangement. The doctor will do his part and you have to do yours to fully experience the benefits of chiropractic care.

Chiropractic care helps to boost your immune system. 

Research studies have proven that regular chiropractic adjustments actually reduce mediators responsible for pain and degeneration in our muscles and joints. Our immune system regulatory complexes are increased which helps defend against other illness.

Chiropractic care isn’t necessarily for life. 

It’s a very common misnomer that patients who see a chiropractor will end up having to go more and more. Not true. It is completely voluntary and, even if you have experienced positive results, there really is no compulsion for having to go back time and again. After an adjustment, the doctor will probably schedule a couple of follow-up sessions to ensure that motion is restored and that pain is subsiding. Then it is only advised that you return for periodic examination and treatment. Think of it as going to the dentist on a regular basis to make sure things are in order. Many patients even see a chiropractor on a monthly basis to ensure the benefits of chiropractic care including overall positive health and range of motion.

It’s going to hurt, right? 

Benefits of Chiropractic Care Evexia Family Chiropractic

benefits of chirpractic care evexia family

This is probably the biggest misconception in the world of chiropractic care. Many people truly think that a chiropractic adjustment is going to be terribly painful. If you are one of them, relax. There is no violent bone popping or ninja-warrior techniques involved. Chiropractic care is very gentle, and although it sometimes involves quick thrusts of pressure when targeting a spinal bone, it doesn’t hurt. In fact, the sound of gases released from the joints may sound like cracking, but it’s just your imagination. Also, chiropractic care will not do further harm to joints over time. Another misconception. Chiropractic treatment improves motion in your joints and even helps to ward off symptoms of arthritis. When a first-time chiropractic patient is adjusted, they most generally feel lighter, refreshed, and enjoy a wider range of motion.

By choosing chiropractic care, you are investing in good health. Why not choose to live a healthier and more active life? Give Dr. Deborah Perkins a call at Evexia Chiropractic to see all the benefits of chiropractic care. She is ready to discuss your concerns, ease your worries and help you get back to living pain-free.