asking for support with fibromyalgia

Tips for Living With Fibromyalgia

Living with fibromyalgia can mean making difficult decisions every day of life.  With fibromyalgia, life is full of ups and downs.  From day to day, you may feel very different in the activities you can perform.  One day you may feel great and are up to tackle a host of to-dos, and the next day you may be so exhausted you can’t get out of bed.  

Nonetheless, even in the face of such uncertainty, you can take steps to help avoid the pain that is often associated with the disease. According to internist Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., the author of “The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution,” learning to treat yourself properly can make a big difference in controlling your symptoms vs. letting your symptoms rule your life.

Things that seem normal for others may not be suitable for you, such as training for and running a 5K with your best friend.  While this may sound like a great way to get in shape, it may not be the best option for you.  The impacts of diet, exercise, and rest play a significant role in day-to-day life. In this article, Evexia Family Chiropractic will discuss tips on managing pain and exhaustion, allowing you to live your life.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Living With Fibromyalgia

When your fibromyalgia symptoms flare, the below tips will help you avoid stress and guilt as well as to pace yourself:

Pay Attention to Your Body

what living with fibromyalgia means

If you need to, take a “time out.”  Your body needs rest and time to heal.  This is especially true for individuals with chronic illnesses.  When you overexert yourself, the fatigue that follows is a signal telling your body you need to take a break or slow down. Pushing yourself too hard can make your symptoms worse and can make you feel lethargic.     

With that said, it is also important to get exercise to maintain your health.  While it may be tempting to simply veg out, it is crucial to maintain an active life.  Exercise such as yoga or taking walks can help to keep flare-ups at bay.  It is essential that you do enough to feel good, but not so much that you’re exhausted the next day.  If you feel like you have been hit by a truck, this is a clue that you are pushing yourself too far.  Start your exercise routine slowly. You could start by taking a 10-minute walk each day and add one to two minutes to that time every seven days.  Use a pedometer to track your progress to get to 10,000 steps per day. 

Prioritize Your Needs

Making the ones you love a priority in life is natural; however, you must put your needs first.  Prioritizing your own needs first may sound selfish, but if you can’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to take care of anyone else.  First and foremost, you have to make good choices for yourself so that you can give your loved ones the care and attention they need as well on the days you are at your best. 

Make the Best Use of Your Energymaking the best time of your energy while living with fibromyalgia

Whether you are at peak health or living with chronic illness, making the best possible use of your energy is essential.  However, if you live with fibromyalgia, you may not have as much energy as you would like.  Do not use your fibromyalgia as an excuse to avoid certain activities.  Making excuses or underestimating your capabilities puts you in a position of being a victim.  Make good choices and do everything you can for as long as you have on your good days.  Not only will you feel better, but you will also feel accomplished.

Additionally, do not “make up” for missed time on days when you are pain and fatigue-free.  Doing too much while you are feeling great could cause a flare-up.  Instead, set goals on the tasks you want to accomplish that you could not do when you are suffering from fibromyalgia discomfort. 

Creating a healthy routine and incorporating a fibromyalgia diet can also help you determine your energy levels which may help you know the best times for things such as playing with the kids, having lunch with friends, or chores around the house.  

Learn to Say Noestablishing healthy routine when you are suffering from fibromyalgia

Say no to things that are not essential, such as making treats for a school party or hosting a family celebration.  On the other hand, you shouldn’t completely change your routine either. If you stop participating in activities or even quit your job, you may find that you feel worse than before. It is crucial to participate in as many activities as you for both emotional support and physical support.

Keep Your Mind Active

Staying active isn’t just about physical activity.  If you don’t have the energy to take a walk or pick up the house, instead engage your brain with activity.  There are many different ways to stimulate your brain, such as playing games, puzzles, reading, or watching an interesting movie.  Brain stimulating activities help in the reduction of stress, excess worry, and fibromyalgia brain fog.  Not to mention it can help focus your mind away from pain.

Focus on Your Goals and Your Happiness

When you don’t feel well, it’s easy to focus on the negatives rather than focusing on goals and happiness.  If your focus is on your next flare-up, more than likely, it will come sooner than later.  The increase of cortisol in your body can cause your muscles to tighten and cause a host of issues such as tension headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, and back pain.  Focusing on your goals and your happiness can put aside negative or anxious feelings, which may also help reduce your pain.   

Don’t be Afraid to Ask for Supportasking for support with fibromyalgia

As much as we like to think we are invincible, everyone needs help from time to time.  Never be afraid to ask your friends or family members for support.  Likewise, when someone offers to help you, accept their offer and thank them.  They would not offer to help if they did not genuinely care about your well-being. Living with someone with fibromyalgia means being supportive and offering help in times of need. 

Talk to Friends and Family 

Make sure your friends and family know about and understand the symptoms of fibromyalgia.  By providing them with some information and explaining what you go through, you can help them understand your illness and how to support you.  It’s essential to surround yourself with people you can rely on to encourage or help.  Not to mention, according to the American Academy of Rheumatology, talking about your disease may help lessen the tension that might exacerbate fibromyalgia symptoms.

Don’t Give in to Adversity

Avoid people who can’t or won’t recognize your fibromyalgia symptoms, including physicians that are unsupportive.  If your doctor denies your symptoms, look for another who believes in you and will collaborate with you to help minimize your pain and exhaustion, suggests the Fibromyalgia Network, an online support organization.

Be sure to ask a lot of questions after you’ve found a doctor that specializes in treating people living with fibromyalgia.  Your doctor will help you in determining which fibromyalgia treatments may be appropriate for you. Treatments may include medications and alternative therapies such as chiropractic care, functional medicine care, massage, acupuncture, and biofeedback, which many people find helpful in relieving fibromyalgia discomfort.

Do Not go into Hibernation

When you don’t feel your best, you may find yourself wanting to hide away from family and friends.  Hiding out will not make you feel better.  It can potentially make you feel worse.  It is imperative to stay in contact with your family and friends.  They are the people in your life who provide you the crucial support you need when things get tough.  

If you have one of those days where you just don’t feel up to going out, invite a loved one or friend to visit you.  Or, at the least, make sure you take the time for a phone call or skype call.  Connection with others helps many individuals feel in control and reduces or eliminates feeling like a victim.  Don’t give your illness the power to seize control of your life.  

Final Tips on Living with Fibromyalgia

At Evexia Family Chiropractic, we focus on our patients’ overall health. Fibromyalgia does not have to take over your life. With the tips above, we hope to help your day-to-day life become easier and more manageable. Remember, rest when you feel fatigued and consistently move your body every day to manage the aches and pains. Make the best use of your time and energy while focusing on your goals and your happiness. Living with fibromyalgia is no easy task, but Evexia Family Chiropractic is here to not let the chronic disease take hold of your life. Contact us today for more information on chiropractic care, functional medicine, and so much more.