Movement Challenge – Day Seven

The movement challenge has reached its final day and we hope that everyone has benefited from practicing all the movements.  Today we are going to put everything together and show you how to create a short, but effective workout to increase your mobility.

Pay attention to how you feel with each movement.  A stretching sensation or soreness that goes away within a day is normal but pain is not.  Be patient with each exercise and don’t push your body too far.  We can’t climb a mountain with one step – it takes many to reach the summit.  Begin with a single step and don’t give up or become disheartened if you are not where you want to be.  One step can become many, so good luck and keep moving!

Movement Challenge Day Seven

It’s finally day seven of our movement challenge. We have been really excited about getting this information out to you guys, and I hope you have been able to use this at home or wherever you’re at so you can incorporate more mobility into your life and in increasing that quality of life for you. I’m going to show you the same movements I showed you before, but I’m going to put them all together in one, quick, little workout that you can start doing at home. So I’m just going to go ahead and start. [Full Demonstration] So I hope you guys can see how we can innerchange the movements that we have shown you, and put together your own workout. If you have felt pain through any of this movement, please go get that checked out by a health care professional that can help you. Keep moving, stay active, keep walking. We have really enjoyed this time.