learn why the health of your gut is important

Signs Of An Unhealthy Gut And How To Improve Gut Health

Is getting healthy and in shape important to you? If improving your health and well-being is a priority, Evexia Family Chiropractic is here to help. In the following article, we discuss all things gut health including how your gut can impact your entire body, signs of an unhealthy gut, ways to improve the health of your gut, and so much more. Keep reading for the information you need to know to start improving your gut and stomach health today! 

What is Gut Health?

First, let’s talk about what the health of your gut actually means. When people are talking about the gut, they are referring to the gastrointestinal tract. Specifically, the term describes the behavior, activity, and balance of all the different parts of the gastrointestinal tract. The esophagus, stomach, and intestines all work together to digest your food and keep your body in good shape. Let’s dive into signs of an unhealthy digestive system and learn how your gut can affect the entire body. 

Why the health of your gut is important

The health of your gut is important for a variety of reasons. The food you intake is all broken down in your gut and sent throughout your body to provide you with the nutrients you need to survive. The gut not only keeps harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi at bay, but your gut communicates with the brain through nerves and hormones. An unhealthy gut may let in infectious bacteria and could affect more than just your digestive system. 

How the Health of Your Gut Can Affect the Entire Body

An unhealthy gut can lead to all kinds of problems and can affect your entire body. Symptoms of an unhealthy gut include digestive problems, blood in the stool, jaundice, and many other issues that cause pain and discomfort. A healthy gut is imperative to a person’s well-being and it needs to be paid attention to. Because the gut plays such an important role in the communication between the digestive system and your brain, the health of your gut can really affect your entire system, even your mood. If the gut is not up to par, you may start to feel fatigued and uncomfortable. Making sure your gut is taken care of properly will help you meet all of life’s obligations and demands. 

The Top 10 Signs Of An Unhealthy Gut

There are certain signs to look out for that indicate a problem with a person’s gut well-being. Instead of going to the

learn why the health of your gut is important

your gut and digestive system

doctor right way to check your gut, pay attention to the following 10 top signs of an unhealthy gut: 

  1. Abdominal Pain
  2. Constipation
  3. Loose Stools
  4. Vomiting
  5. Weight Loss Without Reason
  6. Heartburn
  7. Severe Stomach Aches
  8. Difficulty Swallowing Food
  9. Blood In The Stool
  10. Jaundice
  11. Bloating

The Worst Foods for Your Gut

What you eat directly affects your body, specifically your gut. To keep your gut in good health, avoid overindulging in the following types of foods:

  • Artificial Sweeteners
  • Red Meat
  • Processed Foods
  • Alcohol
  • Fried Foods
  • Citrus Fruits
  • Dairy Products

The Best Foods For Your Gut

best foods for your gut

best foods for healthy gut

Focus on how to improve gut health naturally by incorporating the following foods into your daily diet.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Dairy-Free Yogurt
  • Fermented Coffee
  • Mangos
  • Coconut Oil
  • Garlic
  • Salmon
  • Chocolate

Top 10 Ways To Improve Gut Health

benefits of improving your digestive health

functional medicine and gut health

Along with improving your digestive system, there are other ways to improve your digestive health as well. Here are the top 10 ways that you can improve the health of your gut in a short period of time:

  1. Make Good Food Choices
  2. Drink Plenty Of Water Daily
  3. Drink Caffeine In Moderation
  4. Reduce Stress Levels
  5. Exercise On A Regular Basis
  6. Get Plenty Of Good Sleep
  7. Avoid Taking Antibiotics
  8. Consume Alcohol In Moderation
  9. Maintain A Healthy Weight
  10. Use A Food Diary To Keep Track Of Digestive Problems And What Causes Them

How Functional Medicine Can Help

Functional medicine is at the forefront of the health industry. Evexia Family Chiropractic specializes in not only chiropractic care but functional medicine as well. Our team looks further into your condition than just your set of symptoms. If you are ready to improve the health of your gut, schedule an appointment with Evexia Family today. Functional medicine will involve setting up a healthy diet plan while also improving other aspects of your daily life, health, and well-being.   

For many people, getting in touch with the health of the gut may not be a priority. However, because the health of your gut can affect your entire body, it’s time to get started today. Feel better from the inside out with a visit to Evexia Family Chiropractic.