Movement challenge Healthy trail running

First Annual Movement Challenge

On November 13th we will begin our first Movement Challenge.  What’s a movement challenge you might ask?  Each day for a week we will demonstrate various body movements.  Each movement will build on the last, and by day seven we hope to bring it all together with a great finale.  We will post daily videos demonstrating each movement along with modifications to make the exercises more accessible.

Why A Week Long Challenge?

Back pain is the world’s second leading cause of disability.  It costs billions of dollars in lost revenue, and more importantly, it diminishes quality-of-life for millions of people.  We’ve probably all heard that sitting is the new smoking.  In a modern world, it’s easy for many people to take less than a thousand steps per day.   While moving more is crucial for health it’s only half the story.  How we move is just as, if not more important, than how often we move.  Too many people have lost the ability to move well.  Activities such as sitting, walking or standing cause many people pain because they no longer know how to perform such basic activities correctly.  The movement challenge is designed to get people moving properly.

Do I Need Any Special Equipment?

Absolutely not.  The movement challenge is designed to get you moving, quite literally, in the right direction with nothing more than your body.  You will learn to sit, reach, breath, walk, and much more with no equipment necessary.  We shouldn’t need to go to a gym or have workout equipment just to move.  Now for a little disclaimer.  Some of the modifications will use simple equipment such as towels or even an exercise ball, but you do not need any of these items to participate.

What if I Have Pain When I Move?

The challenge is designed to get us thinking about the way we move in everyday life.  It is not intended to be an exercise program, and it should not cause you pain.  If you currently have an injury or suffer pain with fundamental movements such as sitting or standing you should see a healthcare provider.  Pain indicates an injury or pathology, and we should always take it seriously.  If at any time during the movement challenge your feel pain STOP immediately.  Do not ‘push’ through pain because you will likely make your injury worse.

How Often Should I Perform the Movements?

Perform each movement as often as you can until you become fatigued and lose proper form.  The goal is to create healthy muscle patterns that will improve your mobility.  Improper technique leads to compensations and less benefit.  Our bodies were designed to move, and make no mistake, they NEED to move to be healthy.  We hope that this movement challenge will get you started in the right direction with a more active lifestyle that is safe and enjoyable.