combining chiropractic care and the benefits of yoga

Benefits of Yoga in Easing Chronic Pain

What Are the Benefits Of Yoga In Easing Chronic Pain?

There is a good reason why chiropractic care and yoga have both become very popular over the past decade. Patients who are suffering from muscle and joint pain are turning to these types of treatments and therapies because for many, yoga and chiropractic care are the best of both worlds. In fact, there are some patients who refer to these alternative techniques as a ‘peanut butter and jelly’ treatment option. This is the implication that if one type of treatment or therapy is helpful, then the benefits can only increase when they are both utilized to reinforce said benefits. 

Nothing is quite as frustrating than to suffer from chronic pain and being told that the pain is all in your mind. However, if you are one of the 50 million adults in America who are estimated to be living with chronic pain, this is a phrase that may be instrumental in helping to alleviate your pain. Keep reading for Evexia Family Chiropractic’s top benefits of yoga practice. 

What is Chronic Pain?

benefits of yoga and chiropractic care

yoga poses and benefits

Most chronic pain is the result of physical illness, body misalignment or injury, but the initial trauma does not only change the body, but it also changes the connection between the body and the mind. 

Because chronic pain is so complex, medical experts still debate the different ways in which it can affect the body.  There are however effective ways to reduce or even eliminate the pain. One such helpful process that patients can do to unlearn chronic pain responses and stress is to use both relaxation and breathing techniques. 

Benefits of Meditation

Not only are we sharing the benefits of yoga in easing chronic pain, but meditation is so important too.  Patients can also use breathing exercises that will help to increase the energy flow in the body. Both options can help a patient return to their natural sense of overall health and well-being. 

Breathing exercises have been shown to turn off the stress response in the body and redirect the body’s energy to self-nurturing processes such as repair, growth, digestion, etc. 

Patients with chronic pain can teach their bodies and minds how to rest in peace and safety, instead of chronic emergency, through a consistent relaxation practice. 

Yoga Poses to Relieve Chronic Pain

There are several yoga poses that can be performed to relieve chronic pain. We can’t wait for you to experience the benefits of yoga

Diaphragmatic Breathing 

As mentioned above, a person’s breath has a huge effect on their mental state and nervous system.  To practice this pose, get into a seated position that is comfortable. Place the hands underneath the rib cage, and take deep, even breaths. Be sure the inhales match the exhales.  Make sure the eyes remain closed and continue the exercise for at least 3 minutes to see all the benefits of yoga and breathing exercises

Foot Yoga 

While sitting in a chair, start rocking the feet back and forth. Come up on the toe and rock back on the heels. 

Downward-Facing Dog (modified)

benefits of yoga and different positions

benefits of downward facing dog yoga pose

Take the hands and place them on a chair or on a table that is no higher than waist-high. Step back so the arms are extended, and the hips are sitting over the ankles. If it is not too painful, engage the abdomen by pressing into the balls of the feet. Press hands into the chair to engage shoulder blades. Remain in this position and breathe so you can really experience all the benefits of yoga

Supine Twist Pose 

There are so many benefits of yoga and the different poses. This pose helps to massage the hips and the back, and it also helps to relax the abdominal muscles and the spine. The pose also helps to remove accumulated toxins from the body while encouraging the flow of blood.  This restorative pose should be practiced first thing in the morning before eating breakfast. The pose should also be held for at least 30 seconds.

Seated Angle Pose

This is the asana that is perfect to start with when getting ready for other twists and bends. Keep in mind, this pose is an intermediate level pose and it may be difficult for beginners or for those with moderate to severe chronic pain. It helps to calm the brain and stretch the legs while reducing joint stiffness.  When rocking back on the heels, stay in position for 3 counts and then rock forward. After the next repetition, curl the toes as if trying to pick up an object off the floor. The feet should never hurt or cramp during this pose. 

Chiropractic Care and Yoga

One of the most common techniques used by chiropractors to relieve back pain and improve a patient’s mobility is spinal manipulation. Chiropractic emphasizes restoring the body’s proper alignment so that a person can function properly and without experiencing pain. This means that exercises such as yoga will also help to train and strengthen the body so that it is able to maintain proper alignment. 

There are studies that have been conducted that have validated the complementary benefits of both therapies. When spinal manipulation is combined with exercises such as yoga, patients experience greater relief than home exercises and physical therapy. 

Further research has shown that drug-free regimens that include physical therapy, chiropractic, massage, and exercise are also beneficial in the treatment of acute and chronic pain. 

Combining the Benefits of Yoga and Chiropractic Care

combining chiropractic care and the benefits of yoga

yoga and chiropractic care and benefits

Many chronic back ailments are simply the result of a person’s bad posture. For example, improper lifting techniques, slouching and bad posture can all affect back-related mechanics. Exercises such as yoga places focus on improving range of motion, muscle strengthening, balance, and posture. In other words, the benefits of yoga including helping to reinforce chiropractic effects. 

Chiropractic care helps the body return to its proper motion, while yoga can help take the restoration to the next level by:

– Increasing joint strength

– Improving flexibility

– Improving range of motion

The main goal of chiropractic is proper spinal alignment via the maximum function of the nervous system. On the other hand, yoga aims to improve balance, and this can help improve the overall function of the nervous system.   

Final Notes on the Benefits of Yoga

Evexia Family Chiropractic believes in the saying ‘the power that created the body can also heal the body’. This simply means that the human body is an amazing machine and can heal on its own after obstacles for healing have been removed. 

Yoga helps the body reach its optimal level of health, while also reducing the risk for injuries in the future through toning and strengthening muscles, strengthening the spine and improving one’s posture. Start combining the benefits of yoga and chiropractic care today, and call Evexia Family Chiropractic to schedule an appointment!